After over two decades of theatre, film and activism spanning cultures and continents, Josh Fox has some stories to tell. His latest production takes us through his first-hand experiences from 9/11 to the 2016 elections in a filmed live solo performance that toured across the US. He needed a site to build interest and awareness in both the performance tour and the accompanying book. The responsive, single-page site is visual and dynamic, using scroll events to introduce menu items and reveal bold statements that are at the heart of present day social issues regarding privacy, disinformation and the explosion of ‘fake news’ media.
Introduction Sequence
Scroll-Driven Introduction
Political Call-to-Action
The performance tour was linked to a grassroots voter-drive effort.
Core Messages
The site was conceived to build awareness and stimulate interest, not to provide detailed content. Nine core statements are revealed as the user scrolls down through a series of banner-width images followed by a keyword subhead and some brief descriptive text.
Interactive Hosting Map
Typographic Detail
Intro Detail
Menu Detail > Hover over selections
Mobile Responsive
The intro scroll sequence had to be significantly altered to work on small screens in portrait orientation. This was done entirely with css.
Single-page interface
Main Sequence
Main Sequence
News Site
We created a separate site dedicated to news, ticket information, performance schedules and press reviews. To allow International WOW staffers to easily post and edit content on this site, it is driven by a lightweight, custom-built CMS created with Perch.