Paper & Tea embarks on an artisanal print collection
Gaffeur. A novel typeface that sticks.
Annual Arts Issue for GQ Germany
2021’s Man of the Year issue for GQ Germany
Premier website for The Truth Has Changed
ClimateCharge 2020 campaigns for Bernie Sanders
Storytelling website forInternational WOW
A Decade of Details Magazine
Video-on-demand sitefor filmmaker Josh Fox
Premier website forAwake, a Dream from Standing Rock
A sculptural tribute toHarald and Dorothee Poelchau
Awl & Sundry brand development
Feature well fashionSurface Magazine
Details Magazine reboot:A front-to-back redesign
A liberated front-of-bookformat for Surface Magazine
Whitewall Magazineformat & creative direction
Corbis revised brand spectrumand brand charters
DIY brand creative directionfor VEER Europe
Back to the future:Silicon Valley annual reportsbefore Y2K
Roomanzabrand development